Drop NA transformation

{ dropNA: ... }

dropNA is essentially a special case of filter, that throws away all rows that contain invalid values, like NaN, null or undefined.


Type Description Result
null Shorthand for all columns Will throw away any row that has an invalid value in any of its columns
String Name of column Will throw away any row that has an invalid value in this column
Array Names of columns Will throw away any row that has invalid values in any of these columns


When using null, each row that has an invalid value in any of its columns will be thrown out:

  :data="{ a: [1, 2, undefined, 4], b: [5, null, 7, 8], c: [NaN, 10, 11, 12] }"
  :transform="{ dropNA: null }"

  <!-- Data scope: { a: [4], b: [8], c: [12] } -->


When using a String that represents the name of a column, each row that has an invalid value in that specific column will be thrown out:

  :data="{ a: [1, 2, undefined, 4], b: [5, null, 7, 8], c: [NaN, 10, 11, 12] }"
  :transform="{ dropNA: 'b' }"

  <!-- Data scope: { a: [1, undefined, 4], b: [5, 7, 8], c: [NaN, 11, 12] } -->


When using an Array of Strings representing column names, each row that has an invalid value in any of those specific columns will be thrown out:

  :data="{ a: [1, 2, undefined, 4], b: [5, null, 7, 8], c: [NaN, 10, 11, 12] }"
  :transform="{ dropNA: ['b', 'c'] }"

  <!-- Data scope: { a: [undefined, 4], b: [7, 8], c: [11, 12] } -->
