Shape Schemes

We provide a few default shape schemes that can be used as scales for categorical variables.

prop definition

<vgg-map v-slot="{ row }">

	    :shape="{ val: row.x, scale: { type: 'shape8', domain: 'x' } }" />



This is the default scale for shapes. It provides 8 distinct shapes that can be assigned to different categories.


This scale provides 4 distinct triangles that can be assigned to different categories.


This scale provides 4 distinct stars that can be assigned to different categories.


This scale provides 6 distinct polygons that can be assigned to different categories.

Custom Shape Schemes

It is possible to define a custom shape scheme by providing a range array to the scaling options instead of type. Elements of the array can be pre-defined shape names or custom shape paths.

prop definition

	:shape = "{
		val: row.x,
		scale: { range: ['circle', 'star', 'M-1,-1H1V1H-1Z', 'diamond'],
				 domain: 'x' }
	}" >