Component tag



The Repeat component is used to quickly position and align 'square' components in a 2d matrix format. 'Square' here refers to any component that has x1, x2, y1 and y2 props. This includes the Section component, the Rectangle mark, and any custom component that you would want to create, given it has the props mentioned above.


Prop Required Types Default Description
x depends Array undefined Values corresponding to matrix columns
y depends Array undefined Values corresponding to matrix rows
layout-padding false [Number, Object] 0 Padding with respect to parent element
cell-padding false [Number, Object] 0 Padding between child elements
sides false Array undefined On which sides the axes should be drawn

The repeat component is useful for quickly creating a 2d matrix of Sections. This is useful for creating, for example, a scatterplot matrix.

Either the x prop, y prop, or both the x and y props are required. The x and y props take an Array of values. For every entry in the Array passed to the x prop, one column will be rendered- the same for the y prop and rows. Besides creating one Section for each matrix cell and positioning the Section (like the Grid component), the Repeat component also exposes the values that are in the Arrays passed to x and y.

The layout-padding and cell-padding props work exactly the same as props of the same names used in the Grid component.

The sides prop can be used in combination with the axes and gridlines props of the Section component to only draw the necessary axes. This will give a less chaotic view than to have every repeated Section have its own axes. See the example below for a demonstration on how to use the sides prop.


Scatterplot matrix

In this example, someData is a data structure with three columns of quantitative data, called a, b and c.

<vgg-data :data="someData">

    v-slot="{ x, y }"
    :x="['a', 'b', 'c']"
    :y="['a', 'b', 'c']"
    :sides="['right', 'bottom']"

        right: { scale: y, flip: true, 'label-font-size': 10 },
        bottom: { scale: x, labelRotate: true, 'label-font-size': 8 }
        x: { scale: x },
        y: { scale: y }

      <vgg-map v-slot="{ row }">

          :x="{ val: row[x], scale: x }"
          :y="{ val: row[y], scale: y }"
          :fill="{ val: row[x], scale: x }"



