
Adding interactivity to graphics can greatly aid the discovery of patterns in data. Below, some ways to interact with graphics are described.

Hovering and clicking

The first and most straightforward way of interacting with data is clicking or hovering over the marks that data has been mapped to. All marks, except for the Label (for now), can be made interactive by adding a click, hover, mouseover or mouseout event. Hovering or clicking is often used as a way to request more (detailed) information about a certain data point. For example, take this bar chart, where more information is shown about each fruit by hovering over a bar:

    <div v-if="hoverRow" style="float: right;">
      <h3>{{ hoverRow.fruit }}</h3>
      <h5>quantity: {{ hoverRow.quantity }}</h5>
        {{ metadata.description[hoverRow.fruit] }}

        fruit: ['apple', 'banana', 'coconut', 'durian'],
        quantity: [5, 20, 10, 8]

          right: { scale: { domain: 'quantity', domainMin: 0 } },
          bottom: { scale: 'fruit' }

        <vgg-map v-slot="{ row, i }">

            :x="{ val: row.fruit, scale: 'fruit' }"
            :w="{ band: { domain: 'fruit', padding: 0.2 } }"
            :y2="{ val: row.quantity, scale: { domain: 'quantity', domainMin: 0 } }"
            :fill="hoverI === i ? 'green' : 'black'"
            @hover="handleHover($event, row, i)"




export default {
  data () {
    return {
      hoverI: null,
      hoverRow: null,

      metadata: {
        description: {
          apple: 'The natural enemy of the doctor',
          banana: 'Watch out: slippery after consumption',
          coconut: 'An indispensable ingredient in Indonesian cuisine',
          durian: 'The rich person\'s jackfruit'

  methods: {
    handleHover (e, row, i) {
      if (e) {
        this.hoverI = i
        this.hoverRow = row
      } else {
        this.hoverI = null
        this.hoverRow = null


If hovering and clicking are ways to interact with individual marks, selecting is a way to interact with multiple marks at the same time. To enable selections:

  1. Enable the desired selection tool on the appropriate Section
  2. Add listeners for select and deselect events on the desired marks
  3. Synchronise the outlines (selectionBounds) of the selection tool with a polygon or other mark, to make the shape created with the selection tool visible.

Four selection tools are currently supported: the rectangle, swipeX, swipeY, and polygon, where the swipeX and swipeY tools are just the rectangle with respectively the y and x dimensions fixed to the entire span of the Section.


        left: { scale: 'b' },
        bottom: { scale: 'a' }

      <vgg-map v-slot="{ row, i }">
          :x="{ val: row.a, scale: 'a' }"
          :y="{ val: row.b, scale: 'b' }"
          :fill="selectedPoints[i] ? 'blue' : 'black'"
          @select="handleSelect(i, true)"
          @deselect="handleSelect(i, false)"


      v-if="selectionBounds.length > 1"


export default {
  data () {
    return {
      selectionBounds: [],
      selectedPoints: {},

      data: {
        a: new Array(50).fill(0).map((_, i) => Math.random() * i),
        b: new Array(50).fill(0).map((_, i) => Math.random() * i)

  methods: {
    handleSelect (i, add) {
      if (add) {
        this.$set(this.selectedPoints, i, true)
      } else {
        this.$delete(this.selectedPoints, i)





A Caveat on Mapping

Generally, if rendering an additional mark when an interaction is performed, it is best to place the new mark component outside of any <vgg-map> components.

This is because in most cases only a single new mark is needed for a single row of data, there is thus no need to map all the rows. Placing the new mark within the map component may cause significant lagging.

This is fast:

<vgg-map v-slot="{ row }">

    @hover="handleHover($event, row)"



But this is slow:

<vgg-map v-slot="{ row }">

    @hover="handleHover($event, row)"

